King Joash was a young boy who became king of Israel and helped to rebuild the temple. We can read about his life in 2 Kings 11-12.
Main points:
- God’s plan for our lives,
- We should take care of God’s house, and
- We can work together to accomplish great things.

Lesson Guide – King Joash
Talk about how God had a plan for Joash to become king and also has a plan for our lives. You could have your child draw a picture of themselves doing something they dream of doing in the future. Talk about how God has a plan for their life and how they can trust Him to guide them in their dreams and future.
Remind your child that Joash was only seven years old when he became king, but he was brave and strong. Talk about how we can do great things even when we are young with God’s help.
Discuss how King Joash saw that the temple needed work and took action to fix it. He also encouraged others to join him in doing the same. Have your child think about a need they see in their community, such as a park that needs cleaning up or a family needing help. Help your child brainstorm ways to help, and then encourage them to take action and invite others to join them. Talk about how we can follow King Joash’s example by being aware of the needs around us and taking action to help.
King Joash knew that the temple needed work and ensured it was taken care of. We can learn from him that we should care for the church and the things that belong to God. Take your child to church and let them help you clean or set up a room.
You can further develop this point by explaining that when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we become the temple of the Holy Spirit. So God doesn’t live in buildings but in His people.
Discuss how King Joash and the people of Israel worked together to fix the temple. We can learn from them that we can accomplish great things for God when we work together.
Have your child work with a sibling or friend on a small project, such as building a fort or making a craft. Talk about how working together can help us accomplish great things, just like King Joash and the people of Israel did.
Think about how the people of Israel gave offerings to build the temple. Talk about how we should also give our resources to help build the church worldwide. Talk about how we can give money, things or time to help build and support the church. Discuss different ways they can give, such as putting money in the offering plate, volunteering to help with church events, or donating to a mission organization.
Pray together and reflect on some of the points learned in the lesson.
King Joash – Bible story for kids

Games and Activities

Temple Building
Give the children blocks or other building materials and have them build their build to represent the temple.
Talk about how King Joash and the people of Israel worked together to build the temple and how we can work together to help others and do good things.

King for a Day
Have the children take turns being “King or Queen”.
Give them a crown and a robe. Have the child make rules as the King or Queen.
Talk about how the bad queen made selfish bad decisions, but King Joash made decisions to honour God. Give your child multiple choice questions asking which decision will honour God.

Give an Offering
Ask the child to find some small toys, clothes, or other items they can offer to a church, charity or ministry.
You can serve together, giving of your time and skills. Talk about how King Joash and the people of Israel gave offerings to build the temple.
Worksheets – Preschool lesson

Free Bible Coloring Pages – King Joash

Cheerful Giver Box (King Joash) Bible Craft for Kids

What you need:
- Template pages (use card of best results),
- Colouring equipment,
- Scissors,
- Glue.
What to do:
- Colour the template pages.
- ADULT: Cut out the grey area to insert money in the box.
- Cut out the parts and glue / tape together. Optional: Leave top section unglued.
Download the lesson for FREE