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Session 5: The Holy Spirit: Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, and Seal

Objective: Teach your child about the roles of the Holy Spirit as Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, and Seal, and how He provides comfort, guidance, help in prayer, and assurance of our salvation.

Lesson Guide – Session 5: The Holy Spirit: Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, and Seal

Comforter: Explain that the Holy Spirit comforts us in times of trouble, providing peace and assurance. Read John 14:16-17 together. Discuss how the Holy Spirit brings us comfort when we are sad or scared.

Discuss a time when your child felt scared, such as visiting the doctor or being scared at night, but having a parent or friend with them was a big comfort. Reflect on how people can’t always be with us, but the Holy Spirit can, making Him the ultimate Comforter. Mention that we can find comfort in Him because He is God, so nothing is too difficult for Him. He loves us and has a perfect plan for our lives.

Helper: Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps us in our daily lives, providing guidance and strength. Read John 14:26-27 together. Explain that the Holy Spirit helps us understand what to do, gives us strength to do what is right, and guides us in making good choices.

Set up some partner work activities such as sorting cards, doing a jigsaw puzzle, or moving an object. Talk about how things are easier with a helper and how some things that would be impossible to do alone become possible with assistance. Then, connect this to the Holy Spirit being our Helper.

Talk about different situations where we might need help and how the Holy Spirit can provide that help.

Intercessor: Explain that the Holy Spirit helps us pray, interceding for us when we don’t know what to say. Read Romans 8:26 together. Discuss how sometimes we don’t know how to pray or what to say, but the Holy Spirit prays for us and helps us communicate with God.

Have your child try to describe an item on a card without using certain words. Explain that sometimes when we try to pray, it can be like that—we don’t know exactly what words to say or what the right things to pray for are. The Holy Spirit helps us with our prayers, even when we don’t know exactly what to pray for.

Seal: Explain that the Holy Spirit is also our Seal, which means He guarantees our salvation and marks us as belonging to God. Read Ephesians 1:13-14 together. Discuss how a seal is used to show ownership and authenticity, like a stamp on a letter or a logo on a product. The Holy Spirit is God’s mark on us, showing that we belong to Him and that He will keep His promises to us.

Create a seal with wax. Melt some sealing wax and use a stamp to create an impression on a piece of paper. Show how a seal was used in historical times to show ownership and authenticity. Explain that the Holy Spirit’s seal on us shows that we belong to God.

Organise a scavenger hunt for logos that show ownership. Have your child look different logos on products that indicate who made them. Discuss how these logos are similar to the Holy Spirit being our Seal, showing that we belong to God.

Session 5: Stephen’s Help – Bible story for kids

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