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Session 3: Living in the Spirit
Objective: Teach your child about living in the Spirit by understanding how the Holy Spirit guides us, helps us understand Scripture, and leads us into all truth.

Lesson Guide – Session 3: Living in the Spirit
Describe how the Holy Spirit guided Philip to the Ethiopian eunuch. Read Acts 8:29 together. Explain that just as the Holy Spirit guided Philip, He can guide us in our daily lives.
Set up a simple obstacle course or path. Blindfold your child and guide them through the course using only your voice. After the activity, discuss how it felt to trust your voice and relate it to how we trust the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Explain that the Holy Spirit can guide us in many ways, such as helping us make good decisions, giving us wisdom, and leading us to the right people or places. Just like Philip was guided to the Ethiopian to help him understand Scripture, the Holy Spirit also helps us understand the Bible and apply it to our lives.
Understanding Scripture:
Read John 14:26 together. Explain that the Holy Spirit helps us understand and apply Scripture. Just as Philip helped the Ethiopian understand the book of Isaiah, the Holy Spirit helps us comprehend the Bible.
Ask your child to share a time when they read or heard a Bible story and didn’t understand it at first. Brainstorm ways to understand the Bible better, such as reading a commentary, listening to a sermon, or talking to a pastor, teacher, or parent.
Explain that just as we might seek help from others, we can ask the Holy Spirit to make Scripture clear to us. The wonderful thing is, the Holy Spirit never gets His understanding wrong.
Teach your child a simple prayer to say before reading the Bible, such as Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.”
Guides into All Truth:
Emphasise that the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth and helps us discern God’s will. Read John 16:13 together. Explain that the Holy Spirit helps us know what is true and what God wants us to do.
Write down some simple statements (some true, some false) on pieces of paper. Have your child pick a statement and decide if it is true or false.
Talk about how the Holy Spirit helps us make good choices and understand what God wants us to do.
Application: Make a list of times when your child might need guidance (e.g., making a decision, understanding something difficult, knowing what is right). Discuss how the Holy Spirit can help in each of these situations.
Pray Together: Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Philip’s Special Mission – Bible story for kids
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