
This week we continue looking a David and focus on David and Goliath.
Our passage is found in 1 Samuel 17. Some of the main points we will focus on are:
- David didn’t let his size stop him.
- David remembered God was bigger than any giant.
- David could not use someone else’s protection or weapons.
- David remembered God’s faithfulness.
Lesson walkthrough and overview
Download the lessons
Bible Lesson
Begin by reminding your child of Samuel anointing David as the next king of Israel. Remind them how even though David was anointed king, he had to wait a long time before he was king. Share how he went back to looking after the sheep.
Explain how he was too young to go to battle. So, he stayed at home to look after the sheep while his brother went to fight.
Read 1 Samuel with your child and make it as interactive as possible. Either use a children’s Bible or paraphrase in an appropriate way for your child(ren).
Here are a few ideas:
1) When you mention David, the child must kneel (because David was small).
2) When you mention Goliath, your child must stand on tiptoes because He was tall.
3) Take some objects (A leather strap (sling), five smooth stones).
Measure Goliath’s size on the floor or wall (around 290 cm or 9 feet, 6 inches). Have your child measure themselves against it. Ask them if they would be scared to fight someone this size? Remind them how David remembered that God was even bigger than Goliath. Talk about how God is bigger than all the problems we face.
Explain how everyone thought that David was too small to fight Goliath. Even Goliath thought it was a joke when David went out to fight him. Remind your child that they are never too small or too weak for God to use. Just like David, God has a plan for them and all they need to do is trust and obey God.
Collect some adult clothing and have the child try to wear it. Have them try to complete some simple activities while wearing the clothes. For example, eating some food with a jumper that is too long—walking across a room wearing large trousers or shoes and so on. Your child will most likely find it fun, but you can show them it makes it difficult. Explain how David couldn’t go to battle with Saul’s armour. Remind your child, that faith and gifts is individual. You can’t borrow from someone else (even parents), God has something special just for them.
Speak about one of the reasons why David was not afraid was he remembered God’s goodness and how He had protected him in the past. Make a list of some things your child can be thankful for that God has blessed them with. Food to eat, getting well after they were sick and so on. Speak about how we must remember God’s goodness to us and say thank you.
Printable Bible story

Games and Activites
Included in this week’s downloadable lesson is a selection of preschool games and activities that can be used to reinforce this week lesson on David and Goliath
- Weight and size. Try to find things the same size and weight as we read about in 1 Samuel 17 ).
- Take Aim. Play any game that use aiming to teach about David and Goliath.
- Rock Painting. Find some smooth rock and paint them any design you like. Take turns to hide them and find them.

The goal of the worksheets is to teach the lesson of the lessons of David and Goliath while supporting educational development and teaching. This weeks lesson includes:

Arts and Crafts
In this weeks lesson you will find:
Use this craft to remind children how David collected 5 stone.
You could either provide them with stone or take them out to collect some and place in their bag.
All you need is:
• 1 pieces of A4 felt
• Wool
• Plastic or safety needle
• Scissors
• Button (optional)

Knock down Goliath Craft
Colouring pages