
In this week’s lesson, we will focus on the Book of Proverbs. King Solomon, wrote about the great wisdom and knowledge God granted him in this book to share with others.
A proverb is a short, easy to remember saying that teaches us a valuable lesson. The book of proverbs is a very practical book which helps us at any age.
Lesson walkthrough and overview
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Bible Lesson
Begin by reminding your child that King Solomon could have asked God for anything, but he asked God for the gift of wisdom. Explain to them how he shares this wisdom with us in the Book of Proverbs. Talk to your child about how you try to help them by sharing things which you have learned or mistakes you have made.
Speak about how Solomon didn’t keep his wisdom to himself but shared it with others. Think about some of the things God has blessed you with as a family. It could be physical things like food, a home, a computer, or talents like singing or drawing. Think of ways you can share the things God have given you with others.
In this week’s lesson, we will focus on five of King Solomon’s proverbs.
If doing at home, my recommendation would be to split the five proverbs over the week, and to review, even try to remember one each day. Don’t only learn the words but talk to your child about what it means. There are also worksheets and activities in this lesson which line up with the proverbs, so you could match them to the day.
If doing in a church or group setting, use as many or as little to work with your group.
The proverbs we will focus on are:
Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.
Proverbs 6:6 – You people who don’t want to work, think about the ant! Consider its ways and be wise!
Proverbs 16:9 – In their hearts human beings plan their lives. But the Lord decides where their steps will take them.
Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Godly people run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 22:1 – You should want a good name more than you want great riches. To be highly respected is better than having silver or gold.
Some teach tips and ideas for teaching on each of these proverbs.
Proverbs 3:5-6.
Talk to your child about what it means to trust something. You could have them sit on a chair and explain how they ‘trust’ it will hold them. You could have them jump into your hands and explain how they ‘trust’ you will catch them. Think and give examples of how once you thought about something and later found out you were wrong. Explain how sometimes we think wrong about something, but God always knows best.
Have your child, walk in a straight line across a room and count how many steps they take. Have them do it again, but in a zig-zag across the room. Talk about how it takes many more steps. Explain how, when we trust God’s ways and do what He says, He makes our paths straight.
Proverbs 6:6.
Ants work hard without supervision and plan for the future. These are great attributes we want to teach our children. Try and visit an ant farm, or look for ants outdoors. (tip, if you leave something sweet somewhere a few hours before, you are likely to find some). You can also watch an ant clip online. Talk about how we shouldn’t only work hard when we think people are looking at us, but we should always do our best. Remind your child that God is always with us.
Explain how the ants work hard and keep food for winter. Speak to your child about the importance of saving something for the future. You could also example about how we need to think not only about now, but about eternity.
Proverbs 16:9.
Talk about how to get to a place your child knows well. It could be a local store, a family members house, church, or so on. Ask them if there are other ways to get to the same place. If they are not sure, you could take a walk with them on a new route. Speak about how it’s good for us to plan things, but we must always remember that God is in control, and sometimes takes us different ways because they are better for us.
Proverbs 18:10
Build some towers together with your children using building blocks or everyday items. If you want, you can have fun knocking them down and rebuilding them. Show your child some photos of big, strong towers. Speak about how castles would have strong towers to keep people safe. You could play a game of tag, where a safe area is ‘the tower.’ Explain how God is like a strong tower, and we can hide safely in Him.
Proverbs 22:1
Ask your child about some things they have which are important to them. Try to explain to them that we can have lots of things but live in a wrong way. Speak about how people respect us not because of what we have but because we have a good heart. Think about some things you would like people to think of when they hear your name.
Bible Story – Proverbs

Games and Activites
Included in this week’s downloadable lesson is a selection of preschool games and activities that can be used to reinforce this week lesson on the Book of Proverbs.
- Busy Ants – Fun run around and search against a timer
- Safe in the strong tower – Tag or dodge ball game with a safe place.
- Blindfold Navigate – Learn about trust and following directions.

The goal of the worksheets is to teach the lesson of the lessons of the Book of Proverbs while supporting educational development and teaching. This weeks lesson includes:

Arts and Crafts
In this weeks lesson you will find:
Includes full step by step instructions and background image.
Trust the Lord with all your heart craft
The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower – Craft
Colouring pages