This week we will learn about King Josiah. We read about his life in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 34. Some of the main points we will consider are:
- You’re not too young for God to use.
- The value to God’s Word. Josiah treasure God’s Word.
- The scrolls were in the Temple the whole time. We must read our Bible, not only own one.
- God showed grace to Josiah.
- Josiah was excited to share Scripture with others.
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King Josiah Lesson Guide
Begin by asking your child if they remember the names of any kings in the Bible. Explain that after King Saul, David and Solomon, there were other kings of Israel. Share how after Solomon, the people divided Israel into two kingdoms – Israel and Judah. You could demonstrate this by writing Israel on a piece of paper and then ripping it in half and writing Judah on the new part.
Share how some of the kings were good kings, and some of them were bad kings.
Introduce Josiah. Explain how his father and grandfather were bad kings, but he wanted to be a good king. Ask your child how old they think someone needs to be king. Share that Josiah was only 8 years old when he became king. Try to think of someone your child knows who is 8 years old. (Note: while 8 seems young to us, for your pre-schooler, it may seem really old. A big child, reinforce that Josiah was not yet a grown-up but still a child.)
Explain how even though he was young, he wanted to do what was right and set an example for others, so he “began to seek the God of his father David” (2 Chronicles. 34:3) and began to rebuild the Temple as a place to worship God.
If you have a box or cupboard that has not been sorted for a long time, invite your child to help you sort it out. You could also give an example of how we forget about things/toys etc. and when we find them again, it makes us happy. Share how they found Scripture that had been forgotten and lost as they repaired the Temple.
Reinforce that God’s word was there the whole time, but it was ignored, forgotten, and then lost. Say how important it is for us to read our Bibles and not just leave them on our bookshelf. You could place a tasty snack on the table next to your Bible. Share how we can’t enjoy it until we taste it. Explain how God says his words are sweet.
Remind your child that the Bible is God’s word, and when we read it, He speaks to us.
Have your child look in the mirror and describe what they see. Explain how, when Josiah read Scripture, he saw a true picture of himself and his nation. Share how he sent people to speak to the prophetess, Huldah.
Read 2 Kings 22:13-20. Share how God saw Josiah was really sorry and repented and so promised to spare him from Judgement / show him grace. Explain how God shows us grace through Jesus when we repent. Repeat 1 John 1:9 with your child. (They may remember it from a Naaman Bible Craft).
Share how King Josiah loved Scripture and shared it with all the people. Remind your child how we should love the Bible, but also how we should share it with others so they can know the truth.
Explain how Josiah responded to what he read in Scripture and set to obey it and correct mistakes. Think about some ways we can obey the Bible and some actions we need to take to correct mistakes. For example, saying sorry when we hurt someone, tidying up after we make a mess, and so on. Pray together and thank for God speaking to us through the Bible and for showing us grace.
King Josiah Bible story

Games and Activities

Read aloud
Research shows there is a decrease in parents reading aloud to their child and yet children love it. Not only does it help your child’s educational development, but it is also important parent / child time.
Spend some time reading aloud with your child from their Bible. Remind them how Josiah read God’s word to the people.
If your child is starting to read, write some simple memory verses on paper for them and ask them to read them out at different points throughout the week.
Find the Scroll card game
Remind your children how the scroll was lost in the temple with this easy to play game. Print out a picture of a scroll and hide it somewhere in the room. If your child is struggling to find it, you could give them clues such a warmer or colder.

Bowling Game
You can use cups or old plastic bottles to make a ten-pin bowling game.
Alternatively, you could take your child to a local bowling centre.
The idea is to knock as many pins as possible with the ball. Remind them how King Josiah knocked down all the false idols from the land.
Bible Worksheets

Bible Coloring Pages

Paper Scroll Bible Craft

Paper Scroll Bible Craft
It super easy to make this paper scroll with Bible memory verse. Works great with King Josiah Bible lesson to teach children about the Bible.
- 3 pieces of White Paper
- A black tea bag or coffee.
- Glue
- Ribbon
- A Pen
- Scissors
1.Use a wet black tea bag to color the white paper and make it look old. Allow time to dry
2.Roll up 2 pieces of paper lengthways to make a straw. Glue to fix in place.
3.Glue paper straws onto dry paper to make handles.
4.Glue some ribbon on the back of the scroll.
5.Write a simple memory verse on the scroll with a black markers pen.
6.Roll up the scroll and tie together.
Josiah opens the scroll craft
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