This week we will continue to follow the story of the Israelites after they came out of Egypt. Our lesson will focus on the twelve spies exploring the Promised Land. Our Scripture texts are found in Numbers 1-3 and Numbers 13-14. Some of the takeaway points are:
- Joshua and Caleb saw scary things but chose to trust God. We can also trust God at scary times.
- God is bigger and more powerful than anything or anyone else.
- We should fix our eyes on God rather than the things that worry us.
- The people chose to believe the ten spies rather than trusting and believing in God. We must believe God since He always keeps His promises.

Lesson Guide – The 12 spies
Remind the child that the children of Israel were on their way to a new land and that God was guiding them with the pillar of fire and cloud.
Ask the child if they have ever been afraid. Talk about some things that scare them. Point out that everyone gets afraid sometimes, but God can give us courage.
Blow up a balloon. Using a marker, draw a picture of some of their fears—and even your own. (These can be very simple pictures). Point out how big and scary the fears seem. Take a sharp object and pop the balloon or let the air out. Show how most of the “fears” were nothing more than air. Use this to demonstrate to the child how often we are afraid of something that we shouldn’t be, and that with God, we don’t need to be afraid.
God wanted to have a census and organise the people of Israel. Explain to the child that organise means to put things in order and a census means to count people. Depending on the child’s age, you can do a census of their toys and arrange them.
Gather twelve objects (coins, pebbles, marbles, etc.) with the same weight and one very heavy item. Make a simple scale–Place a hanger on a doorknob. Tie a piece of string to each side with a cup on each end. You can now use this scale for this object lesson (further instructions are available online). Count as you place two objects in one side and ten in the other. Show how the ten objects outweigh the two objects. Then take the very heavy object and place in the cup with the two objects. The scale will tip to that side. Use this to show that God’s opinion should carry more weight with us than everyone else’s combined. Remind the child that what God says is right —no matter what other people say.
Pray with your child and ask Jesus to help you stand up for what God says and not be afraid.
The 12 spies – Bible story for kids

Games and activities

Help explain what it means to spy, by playing i spy with your child.
Depending on age, you could use letters or colours.
Explain how the spies went into the promised land to see what they could find.
The promised land was full of milk and honey and delicious fruit.
Why not have a nice snack with your child’s favourite fruit and food.
Thank God together for giving you things to enjoy.
It is unlikely that your child will know what a census is, yet they will understand counting and sorting.
Using their toys or craft materials. Sort items together. For example: toy cars, blocks, crayons.
Then count them to see how many of each they have.

The 12 spies – coloring pages

Nature collage – grapes

This week, I wanted to make a craft that combined the element of the spies going into the land to see what they could find with the actual craft. So, the first part of the craft involves a nature walk to find the items.
What you need:
- Thick cardboard
- Craft / Tacky glue
- Twigs, leaves, little stones (use your imagination)
- Purple paint
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