This week we will be studying the story of Moses and the burning bush. The passage is found in Exodus 2:11-4:31. Some of the main points we will focus on are-
- God gives us second chances.
- We should obey God without excuses (Philippians 2:14-16).
- God equips and empowers us.
- Even when we don’t think we can do something, God will give us the strength to do what He wants us to do.
Lesson Guide – Burning Bush
Remind the child of Moses and how he was adopted by the pharaoh’s daughter.
Explain to the child what an excuse is. Point out some of the excuses the child usually uses to get out of doing something. Remind the child how important it is to obey without excuses.
Bring out a cake with a candle in it (or just the candle). Light the candle and watch as it melts. You could also make a small fire. Just make sure you and your child are safe and you follow all local safety laws. Ask your child what happens to the thing on fire. Explain to the child that the fire is consuming the candle or item because fire burns things. Explain that it would be a miracle if something did not burn up.
Explain that impossible means something can’t be done. Ask the child if they have ever thought something is impossible.
Strongly tighten the lid of a jar filled with a treat. Ask the child to open it. When the child can’t do it in his own strength, offer to help. Put the child’s hand on top of yours as you open the jar together. Point out that even though the child couldn’t open the jar in his own strength, together you could succeed.
Remind the child that God is very strong and there is nothing that He cannot do. Tell them that the things we can’t do on our own—such as loving our enemies or forgiving people who wrong us—are only possible with God to help us.
Moses and the Burning Bush – Bible story for kids


Free Moses and the Burning Bush coloring pages

Moses and the Burning Bush Craft

What you need:
- Template
- White card
- Scissor
- Glue
- Color paper
- Colored pencils
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