
This week, we will continue studying in the book of Judges. One judge is Gideon.
This week, we will look at the first part of his story and continue next week. We find the story of his calling in Judges 6:11-40. The main points will be:
- God sees us differently than how we see ourselves.
- God never forsakes His people.
- God calls us to accomplish the tasks He sets for us.
- With God on our side, we do not need to be afraid.
Lesson walkthrough and overview
Download FREE printable Gideon Bible lessons
Bible Lesson
Ask the child if they remember the name of the judge who helped Barak. Explain that the time has come for a new judge, and God called a man named Gideon. Remind the child of what a judge does.
Talk about Gideon’s fear of doing the task that God gave him. Think about some times you and your child have experienced fear. Explain how God will give us the strength we need to accomplish the task He asks us to do. To illustrate, pour out a pile of sand on the floor in your house. Ask the child to clean up the sand with only their fingers. When the child fails or becomes frustrated, pull out the vacuum and together vacuum up the sand. Explain that in their own strength, your child couldn’t accomplish the task, just like Gideon wouldn’t be able to do what God asked him without God’s help. Talk about how God will equip us to do the tasks we need to do just like you provided your child with the vacuum (or broom and dustpan). Memorize Judges 6:12 (ICB) “The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said, ‘The Lord is with you, mighty warrior!’” Remind the child to quote the verse when they are afraid (you can shorten to just the second half of the verse).
Talk about how God sees us different than we see ourselves. Read I Samuel 16:7b. Explain that God sees our hearts. Out of your child’s sight, switch the bags from two cereal boxes. It would work best if the cereal was a more adult flavor and a children’s flavor. You can also use other food products stored in boxes such as cookies/biscuits or crackers. Point out that from the outside, we might think the box is full of granola, but on the inside is e.g. Fruit Loops. Even though we might be surprised to find the wrong kind of cereal in the box, God always knows what is inside of boxes and people’s hearts.
Discuss how God never forsakes His people. Explain that forsake means to abandon, but God never leaves us alone. Explain that although we can’t see God, He is always there. Go into a room without a window. Hold your child’s hand and turn out the light. Explain that even though they can’t see you in the dark, they still know that you are there. Remind them that Jesus promised, “I am with you always.” (Matthew 28:20) Celebrate that if we have Jesus in our heart, we will never be alone.
Pray and ask Jesus to help you always do the tasks He asks and to not be afraid.
Printable Gideon Bible Story

Games and Activites
Included in this week’s downloadable lesson is a selection of games and activities that can be used to reinforce this week lesson.
- Hide and Seek
- Wet or dry paper towel experiement
- Flour play

The goal of the worksheets is to teach the lesson of the lessons of Gideon’s calling, while supporting educational development and teaching. This weeks lesson includes:

Arts and Crafts
In this weeks lesson you will find:
Lesson includes a free template and instructions.
Colouring pages