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This week’s lesson covers Abraham’s search for a wife for Isaac. God leads his servant to Rebekah. Our Bible passage is found in Genesis 24.

Some of our main points are:

  • The importance of having relationships with the right people.
  • God honors the good we do for others.
  • It’s good to ask for God’s help.

Lesson Guide – Rebekah

Remind your child of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac and God’s promise to them (see lesson ‘Isaac is born’).

Explain that Isaac has grown up and is ready to get married. If you have wedding photos of your own or photos from your child’s grandparent’s wedding, why not use them to introduce this week’s lesson. Children will be curious to see what people used to look like, or if they even recognize the people. Looking at wedding photos will also help them to understand what marriage is and the account of Isaac and Rebekah.

Share how the people near where Abraham lived didn’t love God. He knew they would not make a good wife for his son. Abraham sent his servant to find someone who loved God and would follow Him. Explain how it is important for us to have the right people close to us. People who do good and follow God.

Play a small game where you ask your child to collect something for you. If playing with more than one child, set up a race.  For example, the first one to bring “Something blue” or “a book” and so on.

Next, wrap some items in paper so the child does not know what is inside. Put a treat inside one package and clean trash items in the other packages. Tell your child they can only pick one package and only one has a treat.

Explain how some choices are hard to make. Abraham’s servant knew he had an important job to do, so he prayed for God to guide him. Share a testimony of a time you prayed and God helped you with a difficult decision. Ask your child if there is anything they would like to pray about and pray together.

Share how God led the servant to Rebekah. Rebekah did not only do what was required, but when she saw the camels were thirsty, she also went to get water for them. Explain how much effort it would have been to collect so much water. If possible, play a game where your child must collect water from one side of the room to another.

Give an example of how we can do good to others and go the extra mile. Explain that Rebekah did not do good because she wanted a reward, she did good because she wanted to do good. Talk about how the servant praised God for answering his prayer and shared his answer of prayer with others. Explain how it is important for us to thank God for answered prayer. Take some moments to share answers to prayer and thank God for them.

Rebekah – Bible story for kids

Games and Activities

Water relay

Kids love playing with water, so will probably want to play this game over and over again.

Fill a bucket with water and place on one side of the yard.

On the opposite side place a smaller empty container.

Give your child a cup and have them fill the smaller container with water.

Walking back and forth as required and trying not to spill any water.

Weighing items

Collect some everyday items from around the house. Nothing too heavy.

Sit down and ask your child to organize the items by weight.

Next, use a kitchen scale to weigh the items.

Check if they guessed correctly and if not move the items around to sort by weight.

Craft Bracelets

Talk about the gifts that Rebekah received in this week’s passage.

Use your craft skills to make a bracelet.

Use beads, pasta, buttons, wool, yarn, thin rope, string, or any other materials you have to be creative.

Get boys involved by painting the pasta the color of their favorite sports team.


Rebekah – Coloring pages

Craft – Camel pencil holder

What you need:

  • Template
  • Coloring pencils / crayons
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Cardboard tube

Camel drinking water

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KannadaRomanian / 5+

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