After much prayer and planning, we’d love to share with you our plans for the next year.
Updated Old Testament Bible lessons
When we began making weekly Bible lessons in 2019 to do at home with Timothy, we never imagined what God had planned. We thought, a few friends might find them helpful. We never imagined the thousands who would join us each week from around the world, and the languages we would be able to share them in.
In 2021, we will revisit our Old Testament Bible lessons, updating them each week, with new story pages and more fun games, activities, worksheets, and colouring pages and more.
Baby and Toddler pages
In addition to our lesson for 3-5-year olds. We will also be producing material aimed at Baby and Toddlers. We’ve recently began adding some bonus pages to the New Testament lessons, which have been so thankfully received.
In 2021, we plan to create full lesson packs each week to use with Babies and Toddlers.
5-7-year olds
While most of the activities from our current lessons can also be used for this age group, we will be adding more challenging and age-related worksheets for 5-7-year olds. If God allows, we’d also love to add some early reader stories at some point through the year.
New Lessons
We will also be adding brand new Bible lessons to cover some of the passages we didn’t have time for in the last two years. We are aiming for two new lessons each month, but whenever possible will deliver more. Please do let us know if there is a lesson you need which we currently don’t have on the site. In January, we will be adding a Cain and Abel lesson.
STEM Bible lessons

STEM focuses on one or more of the four disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math. In 2021, we will launch a new series called ‘God did that.’ Where we explore the world God has made through fun and engaging STEM activities and experiments.
Each lesson will also include a relative Bible devotional that links into each activity. We are super excited for this series and hope your kids will love it.
Mixed age lessons
We often hear from churches who have mixed ages all in the same room. For that reason, we will be creating four new themed series through 2021. These could be split into a weekly session or run together as a holiday club / VBS.
One of these series will include ‘Theology for Kids.’
New languages
We feel so blessed to continue to be able to provide the lessons in new languages for children to explore the Bible in their own language. We have several new languages planned for 2021. There will also be a special focus towards languages that have little or no free Bible resources for kids. We are not worried about the number of speakers, but only that children will have the opportunity to study the Bible where there is a need.
If your language is missing and you, or someone you know could help with translating the text into your language, please do send us an email.
There are many other things we would love to produce, and we are always open to your feedback.
How you can get involved.
God has been so gracious in allowing us to share these lessons over the past two years. We totally recognize none of this would have been possible without prayer. Please do continue to pray for Trueway Kids, as well as the families, churches and schools which use the lessons each week.
Support Trueway Kids.
It is such a blessing to be able to offer everything on the site for free. It is our goal to make everything as accessible to everyone as possible and remove barriers. As the ministry grows, so have the running costs. We are so thankful for those who support the ministry through monthly or one-off gifts. Without you, this simply would not be possible. 100% of any gifts go directly towards creating free Bible material for kids. Even the smallest amount makes a massive difference.
Supports via https://donorbox.org/support-trueway-kids-in-2021
God has given each of us special and unique gifts to serve in his Kingdom. If you feel God is calling you to serve alongside us in some way, please do email us so we can talk more. We are so thankful for those who serve by translating, helping with videos, social media and so much more.
Thank you again for all your love and support to us through 2020.