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This week’s lesson comes from Genesis 13:2-18. It is the account of Abraham and Lot separating and going different ways. The key lessons this passage teaches us, and our children are:

  1. Our choices have consequences.
  2. God honors when we put others first.
  3. God’s ways are more important than how things physically look.
  4. We need to be careful who we get close to.

Lesson Guide – Abraham and Lot

Before you begin this week’s lesson, set out a selection of crackers. Make sure some are whole and some broken. You could also use some fruit, some that look perfect and others that look bruised or old.

Invite your child to pick a snack from the plate.  Likely they will choose the whole or best-looking snack.

Read Genesis 13:2-18 or paraphrase it in a way your child understands.

Ask, “Why did Abraham and Lot’s men argue?” They all wanted what was best for themselves. Give example of when we might want the best for ourselves and second best for someone else. Share how God wants the best for us. God gave us the best when Jesus came to rescue us.

Ask, “Who had the first choice? Why did he choose that land?” Because it looked best. Play a game by giving your child this or that choices. You can have them sit, stand, or run to opposite sides of the room. For example, which fruit is best, apples or bananas?

Share how all our choices have consequences.

Talk about how we should pray and ask God to help us to make wise choices. Explain that sometimes things look good to our eyes but are actually bad for us.

Before you begin, inject an apple or banana with dark food coloring. From the outside it will still look perfect. Ask your child if this fruit looks nice to eat. Then cut or peel the fruit to reveal the dark inside. Remind them how we should not judge things simply be how they look.

Lot saw the green grass and thought it would be the best land. Explain that while it looked good, it was near bad people who did bad things. We will discuss more on Sodom and Gomorrah in next week’s lesson.

Talk about how some things may look good but can cause harm. (Running off away from a grown-up, taking sweets from someone you don’t know, etc.)

Pray together and ask God to help you to make wise choices.

Abraham and Lot – Bible story for kids

Games and Activities


Place objects out on a table. You could use toy blocks, toy cards, fruit, or anything.

Ask your child to share them out equally.

Start by sharing between two people. If your child finds it too easy make it more challenging by sharing between more people.

Garden or Farm visit

Take a walk around a garden or farm near to your home.

As you walk around, try to find different colors and different shades of that color.

Notice the land that looks the best. Where is the green grass? Where do the animals like to live and plants like to grow?

What is best?

This game is so simple it can be played anywhere. Simply ask your child to choose their favorite or best. For example: What is best, chocolate or strawberry ice cream?

Blue or pink?

Light or dark? Riding a bike or running?


Abraham and Lot – Coloring pages

Paper Sheep Craft

Paper Sheep Craft 2

What you need:

  • Template page
  • Colored paper (Green and blue)
  • Scissor
  • Glue

What to do:

  1. Print and cut out the template page.
  2. Rip green paper to make grass.
  3. Cut up left over white paper into little bits and glue on blue paper.
  4. Glue on sheep body and cover in white bits.
  5. Glue on heads
  6. Cut slices in green paper to form 3D grass effect.

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