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Today, most children are taught that they are here only by chance. We want to make sure our children know God created each of us, we are special and made for a special purpose. Next week, we will learn about the fall, so this week’s lesson focuses only on the point that God made us.

Children will learn about themselves and that every person is unique and special. It also fits in with the ‘all about me’ theme taught in many preschools and nurseries.

Some of the main points we will think about are:

  • God made people special
  • God wants us to enjoy fellowship with others
  • God wants us to have fellowship with Him

Lesson Guide – Adam and Eve (God made me). Genesis 2

Lesson Guide

Use your child’s Bible to read Genesis 1:26 -2:25 and / or paraphrase the account in words that your child understands. Ask them questions along the way to check their understanding.

Talk to your children about some of their favorite animals. Ask them to describe the animals. For example, an Elephant has a long trunk, a Giraffe has a long neck, and so on. Remind them that God made each animal (as we saw in last week’s lesson.) Ask them to think about ways in which God made people different from the animals?

Remind your child that God made people in His own image. That is special to people. Ask them if they think something made in the image of God would be good?

Speak about how God gave Adam a job to do. He was called to name all the other animals and look after the garden. Think of jobs or tasks that God has given to us. Share a time when you felt God calling you to do something for Him. Share some of the gifts and abilities that God has given you to serve Him.

Explain how God saw Adam and said it was not good for him to be alone and so He made Eve. Remind your child that God doesn’t want us to be alone either. Think of some of the people God gives us in our lives. Parents, Grandparents, brothers and sisters, friends, and so on. Thank God for the people He puts in your life.

Share how God would often meet with and talk with Adam and Eve. Explain that God loves it when we speak with Him through prayer and listen to Him as we read our Bibles. Share how Jesus makes it possible for us to enjoy a relationship with God.

Pray together and thank God for making us so special and unique. Thank Him for wanting to have fellowship with us.

Bible lesson video

Adam and Eve – Bible story for kids

Example pages from our Adam and Eve Bible lesson

Clay people Craft

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