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This week’s lesson continues from God calling Abraham and Sarah and focuses on the fulfilment of His promise.

Key points:

  • Patience – We need to wait on God.
  • We can trust God even though things don’t happen straight away.
  • God will do what He promises.

Lesson Guide – Isaac is born

Begin by reviewing God’s call of Abraham and Sarah. Ask if your child remembers what God promised Abraham and Sarah. (He would make them into a great nation.)

Since this lesson involves Abraham and Sarah preparing a meal for their guest, why not have a mini tea-party as a setting for this week’s lesson.

In this week’s lesson, there is also a recipe to make bread rolls. This is a wonderful activity to reinforce patience and give you another chance to run through the story and have a small meal together. Feel free to swap it for another family favourite.

Name a number of different tasks to your child. Ask them to say if the task is easy or difficult. For example, playing with toys, standing on one leg, and so on. You could also make the task interactive by setting challenges.

Ask your child if anything is too hard for God?

Learn Genesis 18:14 “Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

Talk about a time when you found it difficult to wait? Christmas, Birthday, etc. Share how Abraham and Sarah had to wait a long time for Isaac to be born.

Explain how waiting doesn’t mean no, and we must be patient. Talk about how God answers prayer. Sometimes He says yes, sometimes He says no, but other times He says wait.

Share how sometimes God makes us wait for a better time.

Think about how Abraham was surprised by the arrival of the three men.  Share how God often works in times that we don’t expect. Share a time when God worked in your life in an unexpected way or time.

Reflect on some other promises God has made in the Bible. Show how God always keeps His promises.

Isaac is born – Bible story for kids

Games and Activities

Bread Baking

In Genesis 18:6, Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, “get the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread.”

On the following page, there is an easy bread recipe. Feel free to swap it for another bread recipe or family favourite.

Shopping list

In order to prepare the meal for the guests. Abraham made a list of things that needed to be done.

Plan a meal together and make a shopping list. Then go to your local shop and allow your child to find the items and tick them off the list.

Musical statues

A classic party game. When the music stops everyone must freeze and wait until the music begins again. This will help teach the importance of waiting for the right time.


Isaac is born – Coloring pages

Craft – 3D Tent – Isaac is born.

What you will need:

  • Template
  • Coloring pencils or crayons
  • Colored paper
  • Scissor
  • Glue

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