In this lesson, we are reading Matthew 10:1-16 and learning about the twelve disciples Jesus choose and trained to continue his earthly ministry.
Some of the key points we will consider are:
- Jesus knows you by your name. – (Matthew 10:1)
- Jesus calls His disciples (what is a disciple). – (Matthew 10:2-4)
- Jesus empowers us for a mission to do things we could not do alone. – (Matthew 10: 5-8)

Jesus chooses His disciples – Lesson Guide
Jesus chose twelve men to train and equip to help Him in His earthly ministry. Ask your children is they remember any of the disciples’ names. (We have covered Simon Peter, Andrew and Matthew.) Remind your child that Jesus called them by name to follow Him.
Talk about your child’s name with them. Tell them why you gave them that name. Was it a relative’s name? Does it have a special meaning? (If in a classroom, try to look up some of the children’s names meanings before class).
Think about how special a name is and how special it is when someone remembers your name. Think about a time someone forgot your or your child’s name and ask the child how it would make someone feel. Read Isaiah 43:1. Share how God knows all His people by name.
Play a name memory game. Ask the children to name all the characters from their favorite cartoon or book. Ask them to name the children in their class or the people in main church. As it becomes more complicated, remind them how amazing it is that God never forgets our names.
Explain that a disciple is a follower. These men followed Jesus, learned from Him and obeyed Him. The goal of a disciple was to become like the teacher. Speak about people we try to copy such as an older sibling or a hero from TV.
Share how Jesus empowered the disciples to take His message. He gave them what they needed. You may choose to create a game to illustrate this for your child. Select a brief message and the person to whom they will deliver it. Also, create places in your house or church that require a special tool e.g. perhaps put a string across the hallway with the instruction that it must be cut to pass it. Place some balloons on the floor with the instruction that they cannot be touched. Have a room with the light out so it is dark. Etc. Point out that they need to deliver this message, but they must pass through these obstacles first. Then pack a bag or basket for them. Place a pair of child-safe scissors to cut the string. A pin to pop the balloons. A flashlight for the dark room. Etc. Allow the child to use their problem-solving skills to figure out which item is needed to finish each task. You may assist them if necessary.
After they safely deliver the message, talk about how you gave them what they needed so that they could overcome the obstacles in their path. Talk about how Jesus has given us what we need to take the Gospel to others. Further example, that He not only gives us the tools but promises to go with us. Talk about some of the way Jesus equips is to share the Gospel.
Pray and thank Jesus for empowering believers to share the Gospel. Ask Him to help you work hard to become equipped to share the good news with others.
Free Printable Bible Story

Games and Activities

Find 12 disciples
Hide the pictures of the 12 disciples in different places around your home or room.
Have your children to try to find all 12 as quickly as possible
Select one person to be the leader.
Everyone else should copy that person. If you have enough people, have one person leave the room when choosing the leaders.
When they renter they should try to guess who everyone is copying.
Speak about how a disciple is someone who tries to be like their teacher.

Team relay game
Set up a simple relay game to complete as a team. It could be something simple like passing a balloon over your head and running to the back or running to collect something from the other side of the room.
Speak about how Jesus wants us to be on His team and to work together to complete His mission.

Bible Coloring pages – Jesus 12 Disciples

Paper chain Disciple – Bible Craft

What you need:
- 2 template pages on paper
- Scissors
- Sticky Tape
- Colouring pencils.
What to do
- Fold template page on dotted lines and cut around the first person. Each cut will make 4 people joining hands.
- Tape hands together of 3 sets to make 12 disciples.
- Colour and decorate the people. If desired, write the names of the disciple and numbers on the reverse.
Song – Go into the world
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