2024 – Plans for Trueway Kids

Trueway Kids 2024 - Plans

 As we look ahead to 2024, we first want to express our deepest gratitude for your prayers, support, and encouragement over the past year.

Before we share our upcoming plans, let’s take a moment to give thanks for some incredible blessings in 2023. These are just a few of the many testaments to God’s faithfulness and a constant reminder of His incredible grace.

  1. Growth Beyond Imagination: Trueway Kids has experienced continued growth, surpassing 10 million visitors this year alone, far exceeding anything we could imagine.
  2. Comprehensive Biblical Program: In just a few weeks, we will complete our two-year program, covering the Old and New Testament, tailored for four age groups: Baby and Toddler, Preschool, 5+ and Teens.
  3. Website Improvements: In April, we successfully transitioned our website to a dedicated server, resolving the challenges of increased traffic. This move was made possible through God’s miraculous provision via generous supporters.
  4. VBS Program Success: Thousands of children from all parts of the world participated in our VBS programs this summer.
  5. Language Expansion: We have continued to add new languages to our resources and expand the existing ones, allowing more children to study the Bible in their native language.


After much prayer and thoughtful consideration, we are excited to share with you our plans for 2024, focusing on five key areas. Alongside these key areas, we plan other resources throughout the year as God guides and opens doors.

We shall also be running through our New Testament Schedule next year with updates and improvements along the way.


We’re excited to introduce ‘Inclusive Learning Packs for 2024.’ These packs are filled with diverse and engaging activities, carefully tailored to meet the needs of every child, regardless of their learning style or abilities.

Our goal is to make Bible learning accessible and a joy for every child. Whether they’re tactile learners who thrive on hands-on activities, auditory learners who absorb through listening, or children with additional needs, our packs will be intentionally designed to include everyone. Each pack will integrate with our existing weekly lessons to offer a wealth of extra resources, including worksheets, creative craft ideas, and colouring pages.

We aim to create a program where each child can find a personal, meaningful connection with Scripture and grow deeper in their faith.

We’re committed to fostering an inclusive and vibrant learning environment where each child feels valued and excited about their faith journey.


Following the overwhelming response to our VBS and series materials in 2023 and so many inspiring stories of children committing their lives to Jesus, we’re excited to launch even more ‘Series-Based Bible Lessons’ in 2024.

This year, we’re introducing four new series, each with 6 to 12 sessions, perfect for VBS (Holiday Clubs), Weekly Bible Clubs, or outreach missions.

Each series will include detailed lesson guides, engaging stories, interactive elements, group games, creative crafts and more. We focus on improving and enriching our material with each series.

Launching a new program each quarter aims to ensure a constant stream of fresh, relevant, and exciting material to support your ministry and outreach efforts.

See our current programs here: https://truewaykids.com/vbs-programs/


In 2023, we introduced the first two modules of our Bible-based Educational Learning Resources. We received fantastic feedback from families and educators in various settings, including homeschooling and charity-based environments like prisons and refugee camps.

These modules, each over 200 pages, combine literacy, numeracy, STEAM, logic, and outdoor learning with Biblical themes to build a solid Biblical and educational foundation for kids. We plan to release 11 modules in total, giving children a comprehensive overview of the Bible.

Our goal for 2024 is to launch a new module at least every two months. Although ambitious, we would love to try to complete the 11-module program within 2024. 

See Module 1 and 2 here: https://truewaykids.com/learning-packs-2/


While our two-year program (one year each for the Old and New Testaments) offers a solid Bible overview, there are numerous important passages that we couldn’t include. Therefore, we plan to share biweekly bonus lessons to cover as much Scripture as possible and provide children with a more comprehensive understanding of the Bible.

Your feedback is vital in this endeavour. If there’s a specific lesson or passage you feel needs to be added and would be beneficial, please let us know.

You can request a lesson using this link: https://forms.gle/nqoiEE3iN471mVdv7


Partnering with others to make our lessons available in children’s own languages has been a tremendous blessing. We are deeply grateful for those who joined us to serve this way. God’s grace has enabled us to expand our resources into more languages, which will remain a key focus in 2024.

We are especially eager to continue developing lessons for minority groups where children’s ministry resources are scarce or non-existent. If you are interested in helping us serve these communities by translating our lessons, please get in touch.

Here is a video that explains the process:

Your involvement can help us reach more children with the message of the Bible in their native tongue.


As we close this update, we want to express our deepest thanks for your support and partnership in the Trueway Kids ministry. Please join us in praying for this coming year. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

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