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Session 4: The Fruit of the Spirit

Objective: Teach your child about the Fruit of the Spirit by understanding how the Holy Spirit sanctifies us and helps us to be more like Jesus.

Lesson Guide – Session 4: The Fruit of the Spirit


Explain that sanctification means becoming more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts to help us grow and change to be more like Jesus. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:13 together. Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps us make good choices, say kind words, and do good things that please God.

Plant a seed in a small pot with soil. Explain that just like the seed needs water and sunlight to grow, we need the Holy Spirit to grow in our faith and become more like Jesus. Water the seed together and place it in a sunny spot as a reminder of how the Holy Spirit helps us grow.

Fruit of the Spirit:

Start with an activity by showing children different images of trees and asking them to identify each tree, such as an apple tree, orange tree, and cherry tree. Discuss how it’s easy to know the tree by its fruit. When we put our trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit helps us produce fruit that shows our lives are rooted in God.

Introduce the Fruit of the Spirit. Read Galatians 5:22-23 together. Explain that the Fruit of the Spirit includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These qualities reflect Jesus’ character and show how the Holy Spirit is working in us.

Draw or print out a tree on a large piece of paper. Cut out fruit shapes from coloured paper and write each quality of the Fruit of the Spirit on a separate fruit. Have your child decorate the tree with the fruit. Discuss each quality and how it helps us be more like Jesus.

Living Out the Fruit of the Spirit:

Use the story of the Good Samaritan to illustrate living out the Fruit of the Spirit. Explain how the Samaritan showed love and kindness by helping the man who was hurt, even though others ignored him. Discuss how we can show the Fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives by being kind, patient, and loving to others.


Role-play different scenarios where your child can show the Fruit of the Spirit. For example, being patient while waiting in line, showing kindness to a friend who is sad, or being gentle with a younger sibling. After each role-play, discuss how the Holy Spirit helps us show these qualities.

Pray Together: Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to help us grow the Fruit of the Spirit.

Session 4: The Fruit of the Spirit – Bible story for kids

Example pages

Explore the Fruit of the Spirit with our engaging 5-part Bible lesson series for kids! Download for free on Trueway Kids and teach children about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control through fun activities, stories, and games. Perfect for Sunday School and family devotionals. Download now and help kids grow in their spiritual journey with these interactive lessons!

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