In this lesson, we’re going learn about how Jesus chose His friends, the 12 disciples. Jesus didn’t just pick the most popular or the ones who seemed perfect. Instead, He chose fishermen, a tax collector, and others from different walks of life. This lesson shows us that Jesus invites everyone to follow Him, no matter who they are or what they do.

Inside the Lesson:

  • Engaging Lesson Guide: Teach the biblical narrative in a hand-on and relatable way.
  • Creative Crafts: Helps children visualize and remember the story.
  • Interactive Discussions: Encourages children to share their thoughts and insights.
  • Adaptable Activities: Suitable for various learning styles and abilities.

Complementary Resources from Trueway Kids

This lesson is designed to complement the resources found in Trueway Kids’ lessons on Jesus Chooses the 12 Disciples which you can access and download for free at:

These lessons offer a diverse range of resources and activities that enrich the study Jesus healing the man lowered through the roof in various engaging ways. We encourage you to select the resources and activities that will best suit the needs and interests of your specific group of children, ensuring an enjoyable and educational experience for all.

Download Your Free Lesson Now

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