As we approach Pentecost Sunday this weekend, we remember how in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit comes to the apostles to fulfil Jesus’s words that they would receive power from the Holy Spirit to glorify God’s name to all nations.
As God’s people, we are called to bear witness to all nations through the power of the Holy Spirit to glorify the name of God! We are so thankful to be able to continue this call by sharing weekly Bible lessons and resources with children around the world.
People from 203 countries and principalities have downloaded a Bible lesson in the last month.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in this ministry.

When the war began in Ukraine, we started to receive emails from churches asking for lessons in Ukrainian. Mostly from countries bordering the Ukraine who wanted to teach their children’s ministry bilingually. For example, in Polish and Ukrainian.
We have now been able to finish translating all the New Testament preschool lessons into Ukrainian and should complete the Old Testament in the next two weeks.
We have also been able to add some baby and toddler lessons and Teen lessons.
It’s been such a blessing to see churches in and around Ukraine use these lessons each week. Thank you so much to all those who have helped make this possible.
View the Ukrainian lessons here: https://truewaykids.com/uk/

Easter this year was another blessed season. It was amazing to see so many people using the Easter resources to reach their local communities and share the gospel.
Many churches gave the printable Easter leaflets out in their local community and through doors.
We saw many churches and public schools run the Easter trail in their local community with many non-churched families, scanning the QR codes hidden around the area to listen to the true story of Easter.
6500 groups of people completed the trail in English. A further 2000 in Swedish, 700 in Slovakia, 5000 in Spanish and 1000 in Portuguese.
Please pray for those that completed the trail and for the follow up from local churches.

It continues to be a blessing to add new translations to the site.
Towards the end of April, we began to add lessons in Croatian. So far, we have 24 New Testament lessons added.
We have also managed to complete the New Testament in Khmer.
As mentioned in the last update, we were praying about creating a podcast version of the study from the teen lesson. We tested it for a few weeks and then began creating a video version. The video version has the sound from the podcast with related images.
Watch an example here: https://youtu.be/J_shcQnZO7s
The idea is to allow teens to complete the lesson alone at home and to help teachers prepare the study by listening to an audio version of it.

We have begun to build out the website to make the lessons easier to find.
We will first complete each section in English and then move on to the other languages.
The goal is to create a section for each year age group 1) Baby and Toddlers, 2) Preschool, 3) 5+ and 4) (pre)teens.
Please continue to pray as we develop the site.
It is always such a blessing to hear testimonies from people using the lessons. Thank you so much for writing to us and for your encouragement. Here are a few recent messages.
“Hi Trueway Kids, I just want to thank you for the free resources for everyone and for free. I have been using your lessons for 2 years now in my homeschooling and I pray every time that the Lord will continue to bless you because of your generosity.”
“Love the stories and activities. Very helpful at our Christian School. Thank you!”
“I really appreciate you guys this is the best site I’ve came across. I try my best as mom to teach my child about GOD and these lesson plans, games, help my child understand the Bible better thank you so much!!!!
03 June – The Great Feast. 10 June -Unforgiving servant. 17 June – The woman at the Well. 24 June Feeding the 5000.
Thank you again for all your prayers, encouragement, and support for the Trueway Kids ministry. It is a blessing to serve with you and help children explore the Bible and grow in Faith.