Exodus 25-27 gives us detailed instructions on the construction of the Tabernacle. This unique structure not only exemplified the people’s faithfulness but also showcased God’s grace towards His chosen people.
Key Points:
- God Gives Specific Instructions.
- We should give and serve with joy.
- Jesus seen in the Tabernacle.
BIBLE READING: Exodus 25 – 27

The Israelites were still relatively new to their freedom from slavery in Egypt when God gave them the instructions for the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle served as more than just a physical structure; it symbolised God’s enduring covenant with His people (Exodus 29:45). Through this special space, God showed that He was with His people, protecting and guiding them as they journeyed to their promised land (Exodus 13:21-22). Additionally, the Tabernacle provided a practical function, allowing the covenant between God and humanity to be renewed through sacrificial offerings for sin (Leviticus 1-7).
The Tabernacle’s design, materials, and colours held deep spiritual and symbolic significance, reflecting God’s presence among His people and His covenant with them. He instructed Moses to use acacia wood, gold, and silver as the primary materials. God provided exact measurements, colours, and placement for furnishings such as the altar, table of showbread, and lampstand (Exodus 25-27). Furthermore, God directed Moses to create an ark containing the stone tablets of His commandments, which would be housed in the most sacred area, the Holy of Holies (Exodus 25:10-22).
Just as God gave specific instructions for the Tabernacle, He also provides guidance for our lives. His commands and teachings in the Bible reflect His purpose and desire for our obedience and faith in Him. By following His Word, we can grow in His plan for our life.
The intricate design of the Tabernacle serves as a powerful reminder that every detail of God’s plans are filled with purpose. By seeking to understand and obey His instructions, we can discover the amazing plan He has for us.
When God commanded Moses to collect offerings from “whoever is of a willing heart” (Exodus 35:5), the Israelites responded with enthusiasm, giving their most precious possessions, such as gold, silver, and fine clothing. Their generosity was so abundant that the workers eventually asked Moses to tell the people to stop giving (Exodus 36:2-7).
The Bible encourages us to give joyfully and willingly rather than out of obligation or resentment. This means offering your time, talents, and resources to serve God, the church and others in your community.
We can serve God and obey His teachings by giving with a cheerful heart, just like the Israelites (2 Corinthians 9:7).
By trusting in God’s generosity and recognising His blessings, we can develop a spirit of gratitude and a willingness to share our gifts with others.
God has blessed each of us with unique talents and abilities, which we can use to serve Him and others. Just as the Israelites contributed their skills and resources to build the Tabernacle, we should be eager to use our gifts for God’s purposes and the betterment of those around us.
We each have a wealth of gifts that can make a difference in our community and beyond. Whether it’s through your artistic abilities, athletic skills, academic talents, or a compassionate heart, there are countless ways for us to serve God and others.
You can put your gifts into action by actively participating in your church’s youth group, volunteering at a local charity, or offering a listening ear to a friend in need.
Remember that no matter what talents and skills you possess, they hold value and purpose in God’s eyes. Embrace the opportunity to use your gifts to serve others and God. Not only will you grow in your faith, but you will also create a lasting impact on the lives of those you touch.
The Tabernacle foreshadowed Jesus Christ, who is our ultimate and eternal redemption. Hebrews 9:11-12 declares the direct parallel between Jesus and the Tabernacle: “But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation) He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of His own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.”
Here are some key ways in which Jesus fulfilled the symbolism of the Tabernacle:
- Living Tabernacle: Just as the Tabernacle was the dwelling place of God’s presence; Jesus was God on earth (John 1:14). He became the ultimate means for us to connect with the Father.
- Ultimate Sacrifice: The Tabernacle was a place for offering sacrifices for sin, but Jesus offered Himself as the perfect, once-and-for-all sacrifice, making it possible for us to be forgiven and reconciled to God (Hebrews 10:10).
- Mediator between God and people: In the Tabernacle, the high priest interceded on behalf of the people. Jesus now serves as our eternal High Priest, mediating between God and us and continually interceding on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25).
- Light of the World: The lampstand in the Tabernacle represented God’s presence and guidance. Jesus is the Light of the World, guiding us on our spiritual journey and illuminating the path to eternal life (John 8:12).
- Bread of Life: The table of showbread in the Tabernacle symbolised God’s provision and sustenance for His people. Jesus is the Bread of Life, providing spiritual nourishment and everlasting satisfaction to all who believe in Him (John 6:35).
- The Way, the Truth, and the Life: The Tabernacle’s design and rituals pointed to the need for a saviour and the path to redemption. Jesus declared that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).
The Tabernacle’s design and purpose offer valuable lessons on faith, obedience, and God’s loving presence among His people. As believers, we should copy the Israelites’ generosity and dedication in serving God, using our unique gifts and talents for His glory. Remember that Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfilment of the Tabernacle, providing eternal redemption and a direct relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Read full notes in the pdf lesson
- Split into teams and provide each team with a list of the key components of the Tabernacle (altar, table of showbread, lampstand, etc.). Challenge the teams to create a blueprint or layout of the Tabernacle using craft materials, such as paper, markers, and coloured pencils.
- Encourage them to research the Tabernacle’s design and think about the spiritual and symbolic significance of each component.
- Afterward, discuss the importance of the Tabernacle’s design and its connection to Jesus Christ.
- Have everyone sit in a circle and give each person a piece of paper and a pen.
- Ask them to write down three talents or gifts they possess. Then, instruct them to share one of their gifts with the person on next to them.
- That person should explain how they could use that gift to serve God and others.
- Repeat with the person on the other side.
- After everyone has shared, encourage the group to discuss how they can support one another in using their gifts for God’s purposes.
- Divide the players into teams and provide each team with a sheet and a set of chairs.
- Explain that they will participate in a Tabernacle Tent Race, where they must move around the room while the music plays. When the music stops, each team must quickly set up their “tent” (Tabernacle) using the sheet and chairs.
- Once the tent is successfully set up, the team members should gather inside.
- When the music starts again, they must quickly pack up their tent, carry their materials, and continue moving around.
- The goal is to be the fastest team to set up and pack up their tent each time the music stops and starts. This fun activity can help reinforce the importance of the Tabernacle as a mobile place of worship and the Israelites’ dedication to constructing and maintaining it according to God’s commands.
Example Worksheets in the lesson pack