This week we will explore the building of the tabernacle. The passages covering the building of the tabernacle are found in Exodus 25:1-31:18 and Exodus 35:4-40:38. You may choose to go into more detail with your child, but we will focus on the main points of–
- God wants to dwell among His people.
- God wants us to use the gifts He has given us.
- We should offer what we can to God.
Lesson Guide – The Tabernacle
Ask the child if they remember what Moses received on Mount Sinai. Explain that God gave Moses plans for the tabernacle.
Ask the child if they know what a plan is. Explain that we can make verbal plans such as what to eat for lunch. Point out that we can also draw plans to follow when we build something. Pick out something simple to make with your child. There are many available craft plans on the internet. Show your child the steps on the plan as you do them. Point out that in order to create the item you are attempting to make; you need to follow the steps as they are laid out. Tell the child how God had very specific steps to follow to make Him His house.
Explain to the child that the people of Israel made offerings to God. Think about some ways that you can offer something to God. You can use this as a way to teach the child about tithes and offerings. Point out that we can offer things other than money to God like the Israelites who donated their time. Pick out a person who is going through a rough time with health or another trial. Explain to the child that you are going to donate your time to help this person. Try to select a task that interests your child. If they enjoy drawing, create a Get Well Soon card. Offer to do a simple task for the person such as washing their car. You can help your child bake a sweet if that is where their talent/interest lies. Whatever task you select, make sure that you allow the child to work and feel the sense of accomplishment. Pray before you begin to tell God that this is an offering for Him. Thank the Lord that He gave you the ability to make this offering to Him.
Read 1 Corinthians 3:16, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” Tell the child that we no longer need to build God a tabernacle since He lives in the hearts of believers. Remind the child of the steps the Israelites needed to take to build God’s house. Point out that we can make our hearts God’s dwelling place by repenting and trusting in Jesus to save us from our sins. Read Ephesians 3:17, “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.”
The Tabernacle – Bible story for kids

Games and activities

Allow your child to have some free play with building blocks.
Encourage them to try and make some buildings.
Talk to them about how the people built the tabernacle and how they did their best.
The Tabernacle was a place to meet with God.
Build an indoor tent using some blankets or pitch an outdoor tent.
Have a Bible reading and prayer time inside with your child.
The measurements of the tabernacle were very important.
Find a safe tape measure and allow your child to measure different items around your home. Play a guessing game of which items may be bigger or smaller.

The Tabernacle coloring pages

Tabernacle Craft for kids

Ark of the Covenant Craft

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