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Session 2: Roles of the Holy Spirit?
Objective: Teach your child about the roles of the Holy Spirit by focusing on the events of Pentecost and how the truths from that time apply to us today.

Lesson Guide – Roles of the Holy Spirit
Opening Discussion: Begin by having your child complete some simple activities alone and then with help. For example, you could have them try to tie their shoes, carry a stack of books, or solve a puzzle. Discuss how much easier it is to do these tasks with help. Explain that just like these activities are easier with a helper, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our lives.
The Bible Story: Pentecost – read Acts 2:1-41 together from your child’s Bible. Explain that Pentecost was a special time when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples in a powerful way. The disciples were gathered together when suddenly there was a sound like a mighty wind, and what looked like tongues of fire rested on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages. This miraculous event helped them share the message of Jesus with people from many different nations who were in Jerusalem.
Main Points:
Convicts of Sin: Explain that one of the Holy Spirit’s roles is to help us recognise our sin and our need for Jesus. Start by explaining what sin is in a way a child can understand. Sin is anything we do that disobeys God. For example, lying, being mean to someone, or not listening to parents are all sins.
Read John 16:8 together. Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps us feel sorry for the wrong things we do and shows us that we need Jesus.
Talk about the people at Pentecost felt convicted and asked Peter what they should do to be saved. The Holy Spirit helps us understand our need for Jesus.
Empowers to Share Jesus: Discuss how the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples at Pentecost to boldly share the gospel. Use an illustration of a toy that needs batteries. Show how the toy doesn’t work well without power. Explain that just like the toy needs power to work, we need the Holy Spirit to give us power.
Talk about Peter and how he had denied Jesus three times, even to an unimportant slave girl, because he was scared. But after receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter was empowered with boldness to preach to thousands of people. The same man who was once too afraid to admit knowing Jesus now spoke fearlessly in front of a huge crowd. This shows how the Holy Spirit can empower us to do things that are impossible by ourselves.
Jesus promised that we would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us (Acts 1:8). The disciples were able to speak in different languages so that everyone could understand the message about Jesus. The Holy Spirit gave them the courage and ability to share Jesus with others. Ask your child if they have ever felt scared to talk about Jesus and explain that the Holy Spirit gives us the power to be brave and share our faith.
Gives Gifts: Introduce the concept of spiritual gifts and how the Holy Spirit equips believers with different gifts to serve the church.
Have some wrapped gifts and talk about why we give gifts. Gifts are special things we give to show love and to help others. Then, let your child open the gifts.
Inside each wrapped gift, have pieces of paper with spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible (like wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation of tongues). Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 together and discuss these gifts.
Explain that just as the disciples at Pentecost was given the ability to speak in different languages, the Holy Spirit gives each of us special gifts to help others share Jesus and build up the church. These gifts might be different for everyone, but they are all important.
Application: Make a list of different ways the Holy Spirit might help us in our daily lives. Include recognising when we’ve done something wrong, feeling brave to talk about Jesus, and using our special gifts to help others.
Pray Together: Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to help us.
Role of the Spirit (Pentecost) – Bible story for kids
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