This week we will look at the life of Job as told in the book of Job. Job was a rich and righteous man who was tested when he lost everything. Some of the key points that we will study are—
- We should praise God when we feel happy or sad.
- We should be careful whom we listen to for advice. Job’s wife and friends gave him bad advice.
- God is always with us, even when we are having a very bad day.
- We should love God not because of what He gives us, but because of who He is.
- Jesus was willing to give up what he had to save us. (Philippians 2:6-11)

Job Lesson Guide
Talk to your child about Job and explain that he was a righteous man. Explain that he lived a life that pleased God. Talk about some of the things we can do, which make God happy.
Share how God had blessed him with many possessions. You can discuss the blessings that Job had (camels, oxen, donkeys, etc.). Ask the child to talk about some blessings they possess. You can list them or draw them. Remind the child that every good gift comes from above. Remind the child that we should always praise and thank God for the blessings we have.
If you wish, you can make a gratitude tree. Select a tree branch with multiple branches off of it (to look like a tree). Place in a pot and anchor with rocks. Every day, write something new on one of the scraps of paper and hang it on the “tree.” You may even ask visitors to your home to help you fill your tree with blessings. You also have the option of creating a gratitude journal. You can either write, draw, or cut out magazine pictures to represent blessings God has given you.
Think about some blessings that the child would like to have. (This is especially meaningful with Christmas coming.) Talk about how sometimes we think we will be happy if only we had a particular blessing—such as a new toy. Think about a toy or other possession the child wanted to have, then discuss how long the child was happy before they wanted something else. Talk about a time the child begged for something with the promise that they would love you forever if they had it. Think about how long that attitude lasted. You can also use the illustration of a sweet or cake. We enjoy it while eating it, but we will always be tempted to want more. Explain that we should love God regardless of the possessions He gives us because possession will break or disappear, but He never will. Marvel at the incredible gift of eternal life He has offered to all who believe in Him.
Talk about advice. Explain the advice is when someone tells you what they think you should do. Talk about how there is good advice and bad advice. If your child is old enough, you can play a game with your child to illustrate this. Place several food items on the table. There should be a wide range from a small pile of salt, a slice of lemon, your child’s favorite sweet, honey, etc. It would be best if there were at least a few items with which the child is unfamiliar. You may even take a special shopping trip to pick out some foods with which you are unfamiliar. (Use care and concern that nothing will choke or make the child sick). Have the child try the items and then give you advice on whether they taste good or not. You can also try things and advise the child. Talk about how you might have different opinions or how people may even lie about whether something is good. Think about people we should take advice from and people we shouldn’t. Explain that all advice should be compared to what the Bible says.
Talk about how God is always with us. Discuss times that you or your child may have felt alone. Explain that even though we may sometimes feel upset or alone God is there. Select two magnets (they will need to attract each other). Grab a piece of paper. Put the magnets together with the paper sandwiched between. Move the magnet on the side your child can’t see. It will look like magic from your child’s perspective. Show the child the back of the paper where the second magnet is. Explain that even when we can’t see God, He is always there.
Since we have talked about possessions, talk about the things Jesus gave up. Read Philippians 2:6-11. Talk about how Jesus gave up everything to come to earth and die for people’s sins.
Pray and thank God for Jesus coming to earth. Commit to praising God for each of the blessings He has given you.
Printable Bible Story

Games and Activities

Simple Math
Collect any object that you may have around. Toys, Fruit, Sweets, Crayons all work great.
Have your child count the objects. You can then add some more objects or remove some.
Have your child count them again.
Ask your child if there are now more or less objects in the pile.
You can tweak this activity to your child’s ability.
Making Faces
The idea of this activity is to help your child understand emotions and feelings.
Say a feeling to the child and must make that sort or face. A happy face, a sad face, an angry face and so on.
If you have more than one child, you can turn it into a competition. “Who can make the best happy face.”
Remind your children that Job was a real person with real emotions.

Blindfold navigation
Have one child or adult wear a blindfold. Have another person give directions for them to walk to another place. Maybe to a bell to ring or a pot to bang.
Talk about how we must trust the person given us direction.
Share how Job trusted God even when he couldn’t understand what was happening around him.
Bible Worksheets

Job Bible Coloring Page

Free printable coloring page of Job character. Use as an extra activity, welcome or craft alternative.
“God is good” mobile – Job Bible Craft

Help your child learn that God is good and never leaves us no matter how we feel.
You will need:
- White Card
- The template
- Pens, pencils or crayons
- Optional googly eyes
- Scissor
- Tape
- Wool
What to do:
- Cut out the template. Use the circles as a template to cut more circles from white card.
- Draw emotions / faces onto the white circles. Stick on googly eyes.
- Color in the top section and tape both parts together to form a hoop.
- Tape lengths of wool onto the hoop.
- Tape on Emotion Faces
- Tape a length of wool across the hoop to hang.
Download the lesson