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This week we will learn about the much-loved account of Noah’s Ark from Genesis 6-7. The main points we want to learn are:

  • God takes sin seriously
  • It is important to obey God
  • God provides a way to save us. We can be safe in Jesus.

Lesson Guide – Noah’s Ark and the Flood

Likely, your child will already have some knowledge of Noah’s Ark as it is one of those stories known by churched and unchurched children. Nevertheless, begin by rereading the passage.

Begin by reminding the children that sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. Ask your child to name some sinful things which people do. Explain how people’s sin made God sad.

Noah loved God and lived differently from everyone else. Think about some ways in which Christians are called to be different. Remind your child that it is good to be different when they see others doing wrong.

Share how God called Noah to build an ark. Noah obeyed God even though he had never seen rain and building an ark would be a lot of work. Share a time when God asked you to do something and how you obeyed Him. It could be going on a mission trip, giving away something, or forgiving someone who hurt you. Focus on how God empowers us to obey Him and do things we could not do by ourselves.

Give your child some simple instruction to build something or draw a picture. Explain how they had to follow the directions carefully. Share how God gave clear instructions to Noah on how to build the ark. Remind your child that God gives us clear directions on how to live in the Bible.

Noah told people about the flood even when they didn’t believe him or even mocked him. Sometimes, when we share the gospel with others, they also won’t believe us. But we should never give up sharing the gospel.

In this lesson, there are two ways to make the story more interactive and capture your child’s attention.

1.            There are instructions in the lesson on how to make a rain stick. If made in advance, have the child listen carefully as you read the story. Whenever they hear the words rain or water, they should turn over the rain stick to make the sound of rain.

2.            Act out the story using this week’s craft. Each animal on lollipop sticks can be used as puppets so that you can fill the ark. Then use the ark as a puppet, bobbing up and down on the sea and eventually resting on dry land. You could then remove the animals together, reflecting on how God saved them all.

Bible lesson video

Noah’s Ark and the Flood – Bible story for kids

Games and Activities


Noah’s Ark coloring pages

Craft – Rocking Ark

Craft – Paper plate Noah’s Ark with animal puppets

Download the lesson for FREE

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