This series, “Disciples – Chosen, Trained, and Sent” is designed to help children understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus in an engaging and fun way. The lessons are themed around the idea of trading cards—a concept many kids are familiar with and enjoy. Just like in trading card games, where characters are chosen, trained, and sent on missions, children will discover that Jesus chooses them, helps them grow in faith, and sends them out to share His love with others.
Each session is fully interactive and packed with hands-on learning, including colourful lesson graphics and videos that help apply the Bible lessons. The trading card theme will capture kids’ attention as they collect and learn about the disciples, understanding that they, too, are part of Jesus’ special mission.
Session 1: Chosen
Children will learn how Jesus chooses us, just as He chose His first disciples, and that each of us has a unique and important role to play in His Church. We will focus on Matthew 4:18-22, the story of Jesus choosing His disciples—ordinary people like fishermen, called to follow Him and become “fishers of men.”
Session 2: Trained
This session shows children how Jesus trains us, just as He trained His disciples, helping us grow in faith through spiritual practices like prayer, Bible reading, and using our gifts to serve others. We will focus on Luke 9:1-6 (Jesus sending out His disciples) and Matthew 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents), which show how Jesus equips us for His mission and how we must use the gifts God gives us.
Session 3: Sent
In the final session, children will discover that Jesus sends us out on a mission to share His love with the world, just like He sent His disciples with the Great Commission. We will focus on Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission) and Ephesians 6:10-18 (The Armour of God), teaching children that Jesus equips us with everything we need to stand strong and fulfil His mission.
In each session, you will find:
- A lesson guide with step-by-step instructions
- Graphics and visuals to enhance learning
- A video to recap the main lesson points
- Worksheets for reflection and engagement
- Fun games and activities to reinforce the lesson
- A Bible memory verse challenge
- Colouring pages and creative crafts
- Cards for collecting and learning about the disciples
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See Lesson videos below