This week we will look at the story of Joseph. You can point out that Joseph is the grandson of Isaac and Rebekah and the son of Jacob. His story is found in Genesis 37-45.
Some of the key points that we will examine are—
- God has a wonderful plan for our lives and can turn a bad situation into good. Romans 8:28
- Even if people forget us, God will never forget us.
- Forgiveness. Joseph forgave his brothers even though they hurt him.
Lesson Guide – Joseph
Explain that Joseph is the grandson of Isaac and Rebekah and the son of Jacob.
Share how God gave Joseph a special gift to understand special dreams. Think about some of the special gifts God has given your friends and family. Share that Joseph’s dad also gave him a special coat to wear. If possible, put a gown on your child.
Share how Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him. Talk about some things which might make us jealous. Show how their jealousy got out of control.
Bring out a piece of paper. Show the child how perfect the paper is. As you begin to speak, fold the paper. (You will be creating a snowflake.) Explain how each cut you make might be seen as a bad thing, but as you unfold the paper and show the beautiful snowflake, point out that the seemingly bad cuts created something beautiful. Explain how sometimes things happen to us that make us sad, but God only allows it if it is to make something better. Read Romans 8:28.
Ask the child if they have ever forgotten something. Maybe a toy or a picture to give to someone. Point out an instance where you forgot something. Remind them that God never forgets. He knows everything.
Give an overview of some of the times Joseph was treated wrongly. Explain about forgiveness. Point out that forgiveness is to stop feeling angry because of someone else’s bad behaviour. Ask the child if someone has ever done something to them which made them sad or angry, or if they have ever done something wrong to someone else. Point out some of the ways we can do wrong, like disobeying, pouting, and fighting with siblings. Explain that it is important to ask forgiveness from God and those we have wronged.
Give an example of a time your child needed forgiveness. Explain how Joseph offered forgiveness even though his brothers didn’t ask for it. Demonstrate how you ask God for forgiveness for sins you have committed.
Joseph – Bible story for kids


Free Joseph Bible coloring pages

Craft – Joseph’s coat collage
Glue on bits of paper to make a colorful coat for Joseph. Try this easy to make craft.
What you need:
- Template
- Scissor
- Glue
- Color paper
What to do:
- Cut color paper into small squares.
- Cut out coat shape from template.
Glue paper bits onto coat. Allow to dry.
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