Group Games for Children
Do you struggle to think of games and activites for your children to play at Sunday School or mid week children’s clubs?
Here are some easy and fun Indoor and outdoor group games for Children to play of all ages.
The active group games encourage team building for children of all ages.
Three-Legged Race
Three-Legged Race children’s games includes rule and how to play. Variations on the classic. EAsy to play outdoor summer game.
Hula Hoop Pass
Game Type: Relay Age: Any Number of Teams: Two or more Playing Area: Indoor or Outdoor Equipment or Supplies: Hula Hoops Object of Game: Pass the hula hoop around the circle How to Play: Divide group into two teams (or more, if you have a lot of players).Each team...
Object of Game: The person in the middle wants to catch the wink murderer before he murders everyone.
Octopus Tag
The “it” person tries to tag members as they run from one side of the room to the other. Those who are tagged become part of the “it” team by being an octopus.
Children will sit in a line on one side of the playing area. One person will sit in the middle of the room with their back to the groups. One child will slowly crawl up to the person and roar in his/her ear, then scurry back to his/her seat. The person in the middle gets one guess as to who the lion was.
Students place carpet squares down one at a time and try to cross their entire team over the river.
Game Type: Group game Age: All ages Number of Teams: 0 Playing Area: large indoor space or outdoor Equipment or Supplies: Fruit or pictures of fruit Object of Game: To stay out of the middle. HOW TO PLAY FRUIT BASKET TURNOVER: Each member of the group will pick...