This week, we will learn about Simeon and Anna, who waited for God’s promise of a saviour. Our Bible text is found in Luke 2:22-38.
Some of the main point we will explore are:
- Children are a gift from God,
- God keeps His promises,
- We should listen to God,
- Jesus is our Saviour.

Simeon and Anna – Lesson Guide
There are some helpful animated videos and song ideas included in a youtube playlist to go along with this lesson.
Begin this week’s lesson by reviewing the Christmas passages, Jesus’ birth and visits from the Shepherds and wise men. Explain to the children that between the visit of the shepherds and the visit of the wise men, there is another event that Luke tells us happened about 40 days after Jesus was born.
Explain that the Jewish law said that the parents of a new baby needed to do some special things to present/dedicate the child to God and say thank you for the child. If you dedicated or baptised your child while they were a baby, you could show photos. Remind your child that you thank God for them and pray that He will look after them and help you to teach them His ways.
Ask your child what It feels like to wait for something? You can reflect on Christmas, ask them how they felt after opening the presents? Think about some passages from the Old Testament that show God always keeps his promises. Explain sometimes God answers our prayers quickly, sometimes in weeks, months, or years but he always answers perfectly and keeps his promises.
Share how God promised Simeon that he would not die until he saw the promised Messiah with his own eyes. Say how we do not know how long he had to wait, though we know he trusted God to keep his promise.
Explain to your child at the Holy Spirit told Simeon to go to the temple. Simeon may have been really busy doing things, but he obeyed God and went to the temple. Share how it is important for us to listen to God and obey what he tells us to do.
Read Luke 2:30. Explain it as soon as Simeon saw Jesus, he recognised that He was the saviour.
Introduce Anna. Explain how there was another lady in a temple that day. She was 84 years old and was known as being a prophetess. Say how she loved to be in the temple, in the House of God. She prayed and fasted there day and night every day. Share how she also saw Jesus and recognised the He was the Saviour.
Reflect on how Simeon and Anna responded to meeting Jesus. Remind your child, Jesus still wants us to meet him and recognise Him as Saviour.
Think about how Simeon and Anna had to wait for Jesus but didn’t know when He would come. Remind your child that Jesus promised He will come again and even though we don’t know when, we must be ready for His arrival.
Pray together, thanking God for always keeping His promises and sending Jesus to save us.
Free Printable Bible Story

Jesus is presented in the temple – Games and Activities

Eye Spy
Eye-spy is an easy game to play anywhere. If your child is learning to letters, you can play “I spy something starting with (letter). If your child is younger, play using colours.
Speak about the things we see. Speak about situations where we can see God at work in our lives and the lives of others.
Ambiguous images
Search for some Ambiguous images online. They are pictures that show two images as one. Some of the most famous are the candlestick/couple kissing, duck/rabbit.
Ask your child what they see and then show them the other images.
Talk about how some people in the temple only saw a baby, but Simeon and Anna saw the Saviour. Explain how we should see Jesus as our Saviour.

Year planner
Sit down with your child and write some important dates into a calendar. Birthdays, Christmas, Holidays, etc. Count how many days, weeks or months you’ll have to wait until an event.
Reflect on how Simeon and Anna had to wait, but without knowing how long they had to wait.

Bible Coloring pages – Simeon and Anna

Memory Verse Glasses – Includes free template

What you need:
- Template on white card
- Colouring pencils
- Scissor
- Glue
What to do:
- Adult: Cut out the template and holes for eyes.
- Colour in the glasses.
- Glue on the arms of the glasses.
Download the lesson