Peter and Cornelius – Bible lesson for kids

In Acts 10, we read about an incredible meeting between two very different people, Peter and Cornelius. Peter was a Jewish man who followed Jesus, while Cornelius was a Roman soldier and a Gentile. Despite their differences, God had arranged for them to meet so that they could both come to know the power of the Gospel

The Fall- Genesis 3 (Bible lesson for 5 – 10 year old)

This free printable Bible lesson for 5 – 10 year old children will focus on the Fall from Genesis 3. This is a story that teaches us how Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and what consequences ensued as a result of their actions. In this lesson, we’ll explore why it’s important to obey God and make wise decisions as children of God. We’ll also learn about how trust in the Lord is essential for our spiritual growth.

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