New Testament Bible lessons

New lesson added every Friday

The Parable of the Hidden Treasure – Bible lesson for kids

The Parable of the Hidden Treasure – Bible lesson for kids

In this lesson we will explore the parable of the hidden treasure found in Matthew 13:44-46, and we’ll find out that Jesus is the best treasure! The parable shows us that absolutely NOTHING can compare to the precious, incomparable joy of being in a relationship with Jesus and part of God’s family.

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Bible encourages us to examine our souls to see if we are in the faith. Just like a tree, we are told the various fruits we should look for on our “soul trees.” The passage describing these fruits is found in Galatians 5.

The Armor of God

The Armor of God

The Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-20. The Bible often uses physical things to teach us about spiritual things. One such example is Paul’s teaching on the Armour of God.



As Paul’s ministry spread, he trained others to share the Gospel. One of these messengers was a young man named Timothy. Paul wrote him two letters, 1 and 2 Timothy. Timothy also helped with letters Paul sent to others.

Paul’s Shipwreck

Paul’s Shipwreck

Paul was on his way to Rome to stand trial when the ship he was sailing on wrecked. God was merciful and spared the lives of those aboard. We can read the story in Acts 27.

Paul and Silas in Prison

Paul and Silas in Prison

Paul and Silas in prison Bible lesson for children with worksheets, coloring pages, crafts, story, games and activities and more. Based on Acts 16. Paul and Silas are freed from prison by an earthquake. The jailer of the prison becomes a believer in Jesus Christ. He and his family are baptized.

Paul’s Missionary Journeys

Paul’s Missionary Journeys

After Paul was saved, he wanted to tell everyone about the wonderful things the Lord had done for him. He took long journeys to tell others the Good News.

Saul becomes Paul

Saul becomes Paul

Saul becomes Paul. Free printable Bible lesson for kids on the story of his conversion is found in Acts 9.

Peter is Rescued

Peter is Rescued

In Acts 12:1-18, while Peter was in jail, believers prayed for his impossible situation, and God sent an angel to rescue Peter from the prison.

Philip and the Ethiopian

Philip and the Ethiopian

Acts 8:26-40 tells us how God lead Philip to a high-ranking Ethiopian official to help him understand the Gospel. It reminds us that we should always be ready to share Jesus with others.

Stephen – Bible lesson for kids

Stephen – Bible lesson for kids

The account of Stephen is found in Acts 6-7. This passage can be a difficult Bible story for kids to understand. It is a sad story, but it is also a story of great courage. In this story, Stephen, a man full of faith, is obedient to God even when faced with death. It...

Seven Chosen to Serve

Seven Chosen to Serve

God has given each of us special gifts and abilities to serve Him. Everyone has an important role in the church. When the apostles became overwhelmed, they chose seven men to help them take care of people. The story of choosing these men is found in Acts 6.

Peter and John Heal a Lame Beggar

Peter and John Heal a Lame Beggar

In Acts 3, we read about a meeting between Peter, John, and a disabled beggar. When the beggar asked them for money, Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I will give you what I have.” Then Peter healed the man in Jesus’ name.



In Acts 2, we read about the beginning of the church on the Day of Pentecost, where God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to the church.

The Great Commission

The Great Commission

Jesus gave His followers many instructions during His time on earth. One of the most famous instructions is found in Matthew 28:16-20. The Great Commission.

Peter Walks on Water

Peter Walks on Water

Jesus’ disciples often had to choose between faith and doubt. In Matthew 14:22-36, we read the miracle of Peter walking on water until he took his eyes off Jesus.

House of Prayer (Jesus clear’s the Temple)

House of Prayer (Jesus clear’s the Temple)

One day Jesus went to the temple to pray. When He arrived, He was angry with what He saw. We read this account in Matthew 21:12-16; Mark 11:15-18; Luke 19:45-48 and John 2:12-24.

The Pool of Bethesda

The Pool of Bethesda

The Pool of Bethesda was a special pool. In John 5:1-15, Jesus healed a man who had been sick for a long time.

The woman who touched Jesus

The woman who touched Jesus

In Mark 5:21-34, we read about a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. Nothing worked to heal her until she reached out to touch Jesus in faith.

The Roman Centurion

The Roman Centurion

Many people asked Jesus for help during His time on earth. One man was a Roman officer who displayed amazing faith and asked Jesus to heal his servant. We read the story in Matthew 8:5-13.

Jesus heals the Blind Man

Jesus heals the Blind Man

Free printable Bible lesson for kids. In John 9: 1-42 He heals a man born blind in an unusual way. Story, lesson guide, coloring pages, craft and more all included. Ideal for preschoolers at home or at church.



Philemon Bible lesson for kids – Free printable for Sunday school, church or home.
Bible story pages, worksheets, crafts, games, coloring and more.

Easter lesson

Easter lesson

Free printable Easter Bible lesson. Covering good Friday through to Easter. Empty tomb craft, coloring pages, Easter Bible games and Activities for home. Ideal for preschool children

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Free printable Palm Sunday and Holy week Bible lesson. Ideal for preschool children. Full of fun activities, worksheets and craft for home or church.

The Angel appears to Mary

The Angel appears to Mary

This week, we will look at our second week of the Christmas lessons. We will focus on Mary and her reaction to the angel’s message. This passage can be found in Luke 1:26-38.

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